

Kottaújdonságok 2021

New Publications 2021

Since 2017, EMB's work has been continued by its two legal successors. Universal Music Publishing Editio Musica Budapest Ltd. (UMP EMB) is responsible for the works of contemporary and 20th-century…

New Publications 2020

Kottaújdonságok és zenei ajándéktárgyak 2019/20

Since 2017, EMB's work has been continued by its two legal successors. Universal Music Publishing Editio Musica Budapest Ltd. (UMPEMB) is responsible for the works of contemporary and 20th-century…

Novelties and Highlights 2019

Back-to-School catalogue 2018/19

In this catalogue we present our new publications for the year 2019 alongside some highlights from our older publications. Of course, the latter originally started out as new publications and it’s…
Our Back-to-School 2018 catalogue available for download.

Neuerscheinungen 2018

Neuerscheinungen 2017

Neuerscheinungen 2016

Újdonságok zeneiskolásoknak 2015/2016


Neuerscheinungen 2015

This catalogue contains a selection from the 1000-strong choral repertoire of Editio Musica Budapest of over 250 pieces by 52 composers - the cream of Hungarian choral music. Any such assessment is…
Embrace music - in other words, make music part of your life. That is the motto we have adopted this year. We at EMB know that making music brings joy. That joy is multiplied and shared by playing to…

Music for Beginners

Liszt Separate Editions

Music for Beginners was launched in the summer of 1969. The aim was to compile a varied and high-standard repertoire covering music from the earliest centuries to contemporary compositions for music…
In 2014 we started renewing the separate editions of solo piano works published in the New Liszt Complete Critical Edition. The four volumes that renewed thus provide not only authentic texts of the…

Liszt Separate Editions

Neuerscheinungen 2014

In 2014 we started renewing the separate editions of solo piano works published in the New Liszt Complete Critical Edition. The four volumes that renewed thus provide not only authentic texts of the…
Discover the new publications of Editio Musica Budapest: piano pieces to practise polyphony, a new volume of the New Liszt Edition, several chamber music works, even for optional combination of…

Ad libitum

Band Music Catalogue 2014

The volumes in this new series contain duos, trios and quartets, their degree of difficulty ranging from easy through intermediate to advanced. Every piece is a transcription or an arrangement, since…
Many types of band music exist: original pieces, classical and pop music transcriptions, marches and works composed for youth, amateur and professional bands. When we introduced our Concert Band…

Kamarazenei kottakatalógus zeneiskolásoknak

Chamber Music Highlights Catalogue

Chamber Music Highlights catalogue in Hungarian. (English version is Z.80155)
This catalogue lists EMB's main chamber music series, to make it easier for musicians and teachers to choose suitable scores. There is a rich variety of genres and formations of different…

Egyházzenei kottakatalógus 2012-2013

Neuerscheinungen 2013

Our novelties featured in the catalogue is being exhibited at the Frankfurt Music Fair. This year we are paying special attention to chamber music publications, including the first volumes in the new…

Band Music Catalogue with CD

Musica da camera

The catalogue gives you a detailed description of the new concert band publications, including instrumentation, composer biography and program notes. The CD contains the full recording of the…
This brochure is for the series containing works composed or arranged for chamber ensembles of every kind (trios and quartets) for music schools.

Leggiero Series


EMB's series for youth string orchestras, Leggiero, presents a selection of works by classical and contemporary composers, and easy arrangements of popular piano works. What facilitates its use for…
Modelled on the popular Leggiero series, Leggierissimo was lauched by the publisher with the music schools' youngest string players in mind. In the very easy pieces for string orchestra in the new…

A barátságos zongoraiskola

Veselá klavírna skola

"În această şcoală pianistică nu veţi întâlni studii seci, ci e plină de mici capodopere şi plină de culori, ca o carte de poveşti! Studiul pianului trebuie să se bazeze de la bun început numai pe…
V štyroch dieloch školy nájdete návod na zvládnutie klavírnej hry od základov (I. -čítanie nôt, legato, staccato, dvojručná hra, dvojhmaty, bodkovaný rytmus, ligatúra) cez mierne pokročilé…

Catalogue to the Series Leggiero and Leggierissimo with DEMO CD

Centenary Edition - Ferenc FARKAS

Katalóg zahŕňa podrobný obsah všetkých zväzkov oboch populárnych sérií pre detský a mládežnícky orchester a prináša audio CD so 43 ukážkami neustále narastajúceho repertoáru pre toto obsadenie.
EMB si pripomína storočnicu narodenia autora reedíciou a novými vydaniami niekoľkých skladateľových diel. Text leafletu je v maďarčine a angličtine.